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Tutoring Resources

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JaxTHRIVE Zoom Virtual Tutoring Guidelines

We ask that our JaxTHRIVE volunteers:

  1. Send a message to their student(s) 24 hours prior to tutoring to remind them of their specific tutoring day and time and ask them to send a photo or a description of their homework in the What’sApp chat. All communication should take place in WhatsApp so we can track and follow along easily. Remember that when sending messages to your student in WhatsApp, please communicate in simple English so they can understand what you are trying to say.

  2. Next, we ask volunteers to send another reminder message to their student one hour prior to their scheduled tutoring session. Please send the Zoom link in this message. You can also ask them to send a photo of their homework in the WhatsApp link.

  3. At the time of your tutoring session, the volunteer and the student will join the Zoom. We are all using the same Zoom link. For most sessions, a Zoom supervisor will help manage the Zoom call and they will place the student and volunteer into a Zoom work room together. 

  4. Tutoring sessions usually last one hour. If the time goes over, please let us know. You do not have to tutor more than one hour each week, but you certainly can, and you will receive service credit for this time. If your student needs additional help, please let us know and we will find another tutor. If you need to research websites/programs/ebooks or other resources to help in your tutor, please note these on your time sheet. Please keep track of your hours in the JaxTHRIVE Google Doc tracker and always keep track of your hours on your own so we can compare at the time of reporting.

  5. After each tutoring session, please go to the JaxTHRIVE Google doc to document your tutoring time. Each tutor will have their own workbook to keep track of the tutoring date, time and what was worked on with their student. This helps us if their student needs another tutoring day or if the volunteer cannot attend a session.

  6. If your student does not show up for tutoring, you will still receive volunteer credit since you reserved the hour.

  7. If you need to modify or reschedule your tutoring, please reach out to your student directly to find a day/time that works best for both of you. Then, please let us know so we are aware that you will be using the Zoom.

  8. We will all be using the same Zoom link this semester. Please reach out to Alexis, Hope, Karen or Elizabeth for this link.

Zoom User Guide (For New Users)

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Math Resources:

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tutoring logo - This site offers math games -  This site offers free math worksheets

Reading Resources:

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Listening Resources:

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More Resources:

Click PDF link for more information.

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