JaxTHRIVE Leadership Council
Ava Cheng

Ava Cheng is a senior at the Bolles School, and has been volunteering with JaxTHRIVE since fifth grade. She helps run Super Saturday Art, crafting fun projects for the kids and is a member of the Bolles JaxTHRIVE club. Outside of JaxTHRIVE, Ava is Service Director and member of the National Service Project for CISV, organizing local and national service activities for youth. She is also Editor-in-Chief for her school newspaper, the Bolles Bugle and enjoys creating art and traveling in her free time.
Amir Chahlavi

Amir Chahlavi is a sophomore at The Bolles High School. He has been volunteering with JaxThrive since 6th grade and he is currently co-president of the Bolles JaxTHRIVE Club. He also works at Kumon, where he tutors students in math and English and grades/assigns them homework. He takes piano lessons, plays club, and practices tennis regularly in his free time. At school, he has served as a leader in the Bolles Arabic Club and has gained leadership skills and qualities. He has used the above opportunities to achieve a greater understanding of management and leadership.
Jaden Taher

Jaden Taher is a senior at The Bolles School. Enthusiastic for supporting refugee
students, Jaden has been a JaxTHRIVER for three years. He is the Co-Editor-in-Chief of JaxTHRIVE's newsletter, "Connected @ JaxTHRIVE," which aims to unify and empower the JaxTHRIVE Community through personal storytelling, all celebrating the diversity and connections that characterize JaxTHRIVE. Published annually, the newsletter features articles written by both tutors and students, along with interviews and JaxTHRIVE highlights. Additionally, Jaden is developing JaxTHRIVE's app, which strives to facilitate the learning and connection process by streamlining tutor-student communication. He has a passion for learning from friends of other cultures and serves as the Co-President of Bolles' Student Global Connections Committee. In his free time, Jaden enjoys varsity swimming, reading,writing, and playing music.
Leila Warren
Leila Warren is a Freshman at Ponte Vedra High School where she is involved with
cross country, the american sign language club and the theatre department. She
plays the violin and this summer was excited to be part of the National Youth
Orchestra touring to the Dominican Republic. She has been volunteering for
JaxTHRIVE since 7th grade and is now excited to be more engaged as part of the
leadership council!

Maya Jones

Maya Jones is a Junior at the Episcopal School of Jacksonville. She serves on the
student government council. She is a varsity sailor and a US certified sailing
instructor. She is an ardent volunteer at JaxTHRIVE and the co - president of the
JaxTHRIVE club at her school. When not at school or on the water sailing, she stays
busy with dance classes and piano lessons.
Greer Davis

Greer Davis is a sophomore at the Bolles School. she plays varsity lacrosse and is
also a member of Mock Trial. Next year she will serve as the Bolles School JaxThrive
Club Co-President elect and helps with the Bolles Angels for Allison chapter as a
social media manager and secretary. This year she is excited to serve on Club
Counsel for her school in addition to being a member of Youth Leadership
Jacksonville. In her free time, she enjoys playing and coaching tennis, running, and
hanging out with her friends.

Athok Ring-Akech
Athok Akech is a freshman at UNF. Her hobbies are cooking and writing. At school
she is involved in journalism, the fashion club, and the international student
association. Athok wanted to be involved with JaxThrive because she is also the
daughter of refugee parents from South Sudan.

Ayak Akech
Ayak Akech is a Senior at Paxon School for Advanced Studies. She is a member of various clubs at school and has been volunteering for JaxThrive for over a year. Ayak is also involved with the MOCA Teen Art Council, where she spends time learning about various cultures and art. In her free time, Ayak enjoys baking, hanging out with friends and reading.
Tate Lueck

Tate Lueck is a senior at Episcopal and has been volunteering with JaxThrive for 5 years. I primarily help with our ACT/SAT virtual tutoring programs. At Episcopal. He serves as president of the Honor and Discipline Council, a tour guide for Eagle Ambassadors, and president of the QuizBowl team. he is a graduate of Youth Leadership Jacksonville and a part of the Safety Town Leadership Team. In his free time he enjoys running and hanging out with friends.
Ella Vance

Stay tuned for student BIO coming shortly!
Olivia Owens

Olivia Owens is a sophomore at Bolles. She is proud to be volunteering for her second year at JaxTHRIVE. she is the Co-Editor in Chief of the organization’s newsletter and the Editor in Chief of the Bolles Global Scholar Program Newsletter. She serves as a Bolles Ambassador and leader for the JaxTHRIVE club, as well as a member of several others. she is additionally a yearly intern for Women Writing For A Change and she is working on a Bolles project for the organization. Her writing has been published in the WWFAC anthology as well as the National Scholastic Gallery, Stone Soup Magazine, The National American Library of Poetry, Twisted Tales Anthology, and she has shared her work at local Jacksonville events. In her free time, she writes often and submits to poetry contests. she loves music and playing guitar whenever she is not reading.
Anaka Davidsen

Anaka Davidsen is a Junior at the Episcopal School of Jacksonville. she is the Co-
President of her school's JaxTHRIVE chapter and she has been involved with
JaxTHRIVE for two years. she has been accepted onto the Episcopal Honor Council
and Vestry Leadership Team. she is a varsity cheerleader and she dances competitively and recreationally. When she is not dancing or cheering she is busy
running the nonprofit that I have started called STEM and or hanging out with friends!
Austin Koziarski

Austin Koziarski is a sophomore at Ponte Vedra High School. He has served on his school's student council every year since 5th grade. He participated in the Young
Leaders Conference at the University of Florida in February 2024 and is enjoying great experiences and leadership growth with Youth Leadership Jacksonville in 2024 - 2025. He worked with hundreds of children on a mission trip to Panama in June 2024 and hosted 2 teenagers from Spain in July 2024 through Education First. He enjoys golf, football, the beach and cheering for the PV Sharks and Jacksonville Jaguars.