JaxTHRIVE is a welcoming resource to refugee students who have come to this country under extraordinary circumstances. We are a student-led non-profit 501c3 organization whose aim is to provide a nurturing environment where tutoring, life skills, mentoring, and friendship help refugee students advance in the classroom and flourish in the community.
Making A Difference

JaxTHRIVE has grown into a global organization. We successfully navigated through COVID by adding virtual tutoring which has accelerated our ability to export JaxTHRIVE to multiple cities across the country and the world seven days a week. Our volunteer base has grown from 120 to close to almost 300 teens impacting approximately 225 refugee youth.

JaxTHRIVE has expanded their volunteer base as well as student population to other cities across the country and across the world. Virtual tutoring has afforded volunteers and students the opportunity to be available (24/7) thus expanding our impact. To further extend our reach, we partnered with several non-profit organizations across the country that also work in refugee education
and resettlement.
New Published Book!

Our new book for sale on Amazon! Written by Carter Magnano and Sarah Park, co-presidents of JaxTHRIVE, engaged with several students to reveal the untold stories of their brave escapes from war and persecution.
100% of all proceeds will go directly to support the children of JaxTHRIVE!
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“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” ― Margaret Mead, American Cultural Anthropologist